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Our Story

Hi, This is Team Xrosstalk, We are a group of Four, Who all were Engineering Students and got Graduated in this Pandemic. We are Youngsters who were expecting the End of World then, But Yea Fortunately You Witnessed How it went, Due to The Great Execution of the Government, Involvement of People and Grace of God. This World was Aiding it's Relief, But Unfortunately The Aftermath of Covid-19 Took the Social Interaction Apart ,We Still have Our Scars.  

We all Witnessed the Growth of many Social Activities going Live Virtually helping Us to Survive, Done by Our Own Friends, Families, Friends of Friends and Strangers. We wanted to do Something New, Something interesting and Cool in Connecting People Together in Bringing Happiness, Hope, Love, Help and Peace Together as we all Believe In Humanity. Xrosstalk was the Result of Such Initiation and We Believe in, that We Can Create a Better Society and a Hope for Tomorrow Through Love, Through Strength and Through people.

We, Worked Our Lives Off and Poured Our Hearts and Soul for this Idea to become Everyone's Reality. 100's Of Late Nights, 1000's Of Sabotage and Dozens and Dozens of Failures but We were not Ready to Give Up, We Wanted to Fight. We wanted to Fight for Love, Humanity and Faith in All of Us, for People. It Really Took a Year for This Battle to End, and We like to take this moment to Thank Each and Everyone for being With us Till Today! For their Moral Love and Support Including you, Yes You for your Interest in taking Part in this Initiation and for Reading Till Here. We had and will keep going until All of Our Dreams comes True in Creating a better Future Though Xrosstalk.  

You are Unique, Yes We Believe in You, That you can Offer Something to make this Vision come True and Still have a little Room for Love in your Heart. Take a try in Xrosstalk and Grow together with Thousands of People like you. Express Yourself and extend a Little bit in Adding Value and Creating a Better Life. We are Indeed of help and Your Presence Definitely made us Feel Motivated. If you really Impressed by this dream, Feel free to get in Touch with us. we are ready to Collaborate with Your Thoughts, Support, Love and any Other Contribution if that Helps in making this World a Better Place. We Believe Liberation is the Basic for Revolution, So take Pride in Sharing Xrosstalk into your World, Let's Liberate, Revolutionize together, Let's Xrosstalk.

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